Install a starter row by trimming the tabs from a few shingles and nail what remains over the drip edge, with the grit facing up and the factory edge down. Allow the shingle edge to extend over the drip edge by about 1/4" (fig. 13). Offset the starter row from the first full row of shingles by trimming 3" from the first starter shingle you install.
After you've put the starter row down, lay the first row of full shingles over it and nail in place. On every subsequent row, cut 6" from the first shingle. Align shingles so that the bottom of the latest row lies across the top of the tab slots of the previous row. Nail each shingle with four 3/4" galvanized roofing nails.
To cap the ridge, cut shingles into three pieces along the tabs. Then nail the tabs along the peak at 5" intervals (fig. 14).
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